Papers are due for submission on the 30th of April 2008. Authors will be notified of acceptance on the 30th of May 2008. The submissions will be subject to blind review by an international panel. The submission may be up to 10 pages in Springer LNCS format. Please see Springer LNCS for further instructions.
First submissions should be in pdf format, with no author information until the acceptance.
Submission closed!
Posters are due for submission on the 23th of June 2008 at 12:00 GMT. Authors will be notified of the acceptance by the 8th of August 2008.
The aim of the poster session is to showcase work in progress or late breaking results relevant to any of the themes of the workshop. Submissions will be 2 page papers in the ACM format, and authors are expected to bring a poster describing their work to HAID'08. The papers will be distributed in the HAID'08 ancillary proceedings and there will be a dedicated poster session in which posters authors can present and discuss their work. Posters should be anonymous, and will be subjected to a review process. Copyright will remain with the authors.
Demos are due for submission on the 23th of June 2008 at 12:00 GMT. Authors will be notified of the acceptance by the 8th of August 2008. Haptic and audio systems often need to be tried to be fully understood and appreciated. With this in mind, we welcome demonstration submissions to the HAID'08 workshop. These submissions can be stand alone or compliment a paper submission and we encourage the contribution of both research prototypes and industrial applications. Demo submissions will take the form of a 2 page paper in the ACM format, and a brief accompanying description of the demo installation. We will try to accommodate requests for specific layouts and equipment. The papers should be anonymous, and will undergo a review process. Accepted papers will be distributed in the ancillary proceedings of the workshop and attendees will have the opportunity to try out the demos in a dedicated session. Copyright will remain with the authors.
First submissions of posters and demos should be in pdf format, with no author information until the acceptance.
Submission closed!
Proceedings LNCS 5270 is now available online. You can find information about it or access the online version at